Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twelve Year Old Raped by Sixteen Year Old

So this morning on the news (red 96.7 and corroborated by a similar story on Express Online) there was a report of a 16 year old boy raping and sodomizing a 12 year old girl. I don’t even know where to start. Let me start with the ages 16 and 12. Where did this 16 year old boy get the thought in his head to rape somebody? When I was sixteen, I will admit sex was on my mind but I certainly wasn’t bold face enough to demand or take it from somebody who did not want to give it to me. What are we coming to? Now I always have to bring things back to my life as it is the one that I know best. This exact time of the year when I was sixteen I was anxiously awaiting CXC results, working my first job and begging to go out occasionally. Don’t be fooled to go out I have to answer, who, where, to do what, why, for how long, where the other children’s parents, and what their parents do for a living. Sometimes after the interrogation to leave the house I tired and just want to go and sleep.

I have to ask the obvious, where were the parents? These were obviously two unsupervised children. At twelve I went nowhere by myself unless it was to the toilet and I could not even stay long because there would be a knock on the door to ask what I doing so long. So I ask where were the parents of the 12 year old? However I put no blame on them as yet, because something about the story sketchy I believe some details are missing.

Now I believe the mind of a rapist is a very sick and demented one and for a 16 year old to rape someone it says a lot about him and his environment. It tells us that he as little or no respect for women or girls. It tells us that he does not have God in him life, whether Jesus, Allah, Jehovah etc. It also tells us that he has too much idle time on his hands to become obsessed with sex or rape fantasies. It also tells us that his parents did not instill the fear of God in him that they would buss his tail if he embarrasses them or the family. It also tells us that the young man himself could have been the victim of some form of abuse himself and is just acting out what was done to him.

All we can do is pray that this young woman overcomes this turbulent time in her life and receives the required counseling that would help her to readjust to become a teenager (because she is not one yet) and later contribute positively to society. We also have to pray for the young man and hope that he could be rehabilitated. Those of us with children, make a call to find out where they are, what they are doing and who they are with because things don’t seem to be as nice as they used to be.

1 comment:

  1. So true all we can do is pray for these individuals and learn from the mistakes of there parents. People take care of your children for they are precious gifts from God.


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