Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ten Things I want the People’s Partnership to Do

I was thinking about our new Government and there are a few things that I would like them to do as follows:

  1. Stop campaigning. You all won, unless the new PM hires Patrick Manning as her political advisor you all will be there for five years. Get cracking.
  2. Eradicate Corruption – don’t know how. Just do it.
  3. Ensure that there is succession planning in the Police Service to ensure that we don’t have to hire another foreigner to be Commissioner of Police.
  4. Recognize that crime is a social problem.
  5. Use social media to get the message out. I love twitter.
  6. Criticise in private, Praise in public. Especially in relation to public servants.
  7. Elevate the content of debates in parliament. Let the younger one say something.
  8. Don’t just make laws, enforce them too.
  9. Do the right thing. Everybody may not like it, but its a good start.
  10. Treat every citizen equally regardless of political patronage or affiliation.

What would you like the People’s Partnership to do?


  1. Thanks Jumbie. It is a serious one too because when a Minister speaks publicly about the inefficiency of a particular official the entire country hears. The person will not feel good about themselves and it definetly would not him to work harder and do better next time. Additionally public perception would be that the person is not good at their job.

  2. I prefer foreign COPs. They're most likely going to be able to make tough decisions without the fear of affecting a friend. When it's time to weed out the bad apples, he won't hesitate.

    Let the younger ones say something. I agree! It's hard for us budding Politicians to have any input.

    Making laws that aren't enforced is part of what makes Trinbago, Trinbago. That is why we'll remain 3rd world forever.

  3. Thanks T.R. In terms of the Commissioner of Police I don't really have a preference for foreign or local. I just don't want it to cost the tax payers too much money.

    As for the young ones hopefully we will hear them in the budget debate from next Tuesday.

    I really hope that one day we would rise above that third world status.

  4. #2 is impossible as that is a way of life in our country, we see it everywhere from buying a doubles, if the doubles man mother come or his padna they going to get first and we would all be sympathetic to him doing that. When you country is small and most ppl grow up in the village where everybody lives as "one", "corruption" is a unfamiliar concept.

    #3 Any commissioner we get please ensure its not a panzy or some fool who thought to himself let me take my wife and family and retire to a nice caribbean island and escape these cold winters. I'll drink rum and coke and have lots of fun" Wake up Gibbs is a small war we have here, get your army in a gear and get it done!


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