Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Stress of being a Single Woman in Trinidad and Tobago

I had an interesting conversation with a young lady who is much younger than me. In general the conversation was about a goal she had for herself which was to get married and have children in the next two years. This is a twenty-three year old woman with her whole life ahead of her. She has a good job, she is educating herself, good looking, great bubbly personality. So why is she upset, worried or even depressed about the fact that she may not be married with children by twenty-five. The only thing I can think of is SOCIETY. Why is it that there is so much pressure on women especially to get married and squeeze out babies? This is a current reality. It is not something that existed in the past. Young women are being given subliminal messages about when they should start a family.

My advice to her was to relax and enjoy life. Live. Go out. Have fun. We do not know how long we would be here for and while it may be good to have goals, at times goals cause us to live in the future and neglect the present. Of course we should all have goals and a purpose in life. But we cannot be so caught up in achieving those goals that we end up missing out on living. I am living a good life and enjoying it. There are a lot of things that I want and don’t have and I am still living just fine. What happens and when it happens it happens. Many times we have a goal and we are so caught up that when we achieve the goal we cannot even remember why we want whatever it was.

A single person male or female should be enjoying every moment that they are single. It is a time given to you by God to prepare us for the rigors of living with a spouse and having children.
Candia highlighted this exact point quite nicely in an interesting story on her blog.

I am single. I am happy. I have no children. I have no prospects to make any children with. But guess what? I am one happy bastard. So relax people. Take a breath. Live each day to the fullest because tomorrow is not ours for sure. Finally be conscious of the pressure that we put on each other to achieve and over achieve.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree. I believe that Postmodern society imposes on its members mores that aren't very objective. It is often overlooked that the concepts of success, accomplishment, happiness and fulfillment are different for each person. Due to these societal pressures, individuals often feel inadequate that they don't measure up to the ideals of the community or the trends and fad of the day. However, it should be noted that this does not mean a dissolve of absolutes, nor do varying preferences assert the authority of Relativism. In the end, Absolutism is the maxim that stands in supremacy against the Relativistic epistemological systems that threaten the fabric of human existence.

  2. If we could live our lives without interference from others. Then our lives would be smooth sailing. That is not a reality in this world. Although we should beat our own drums and listen, we neglect to do that. We follow what the norm is.. Great Post Trinidad Lover


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