Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dating in Trinidad

As a young single woman in Trinidad I have found myself many times on a date and wondering to myself while smiling sweetly at my companion how the hell I end up here with you. This one guy in particular started things off bad before the date so I have no one to blame but myself for the eventual outcome.

So normal thing meet a guy exchange numbers and we talk on the phone a bit before going out. So in conversation prior to the date he tells me that he is of the opinion that when he dates Indian women they are usually more willing to pay as compared to young black girls who usually expect a man to spend his money all the time. Now being a young black woman myself I was offended and took the opportunity to put him in his place. I told him that as far as I know dating or courting as I would like to call it is an opportunity for a man to show me that he can provide for me and any offspring that we may produce together. How in God’s name do you expect to provide for a family if you cannot provide for a date which involves a meal and some form of entertainment.

Now I want to be very clear these cheap, irresponsible locho men are the worst kind. Because I am sure if I was an Indian woman the fable would have been the opposite. Mind you this is a grown man in his late thirties seemingly intelligent, reasonably good looking but just full of tricks. It is not that I expect that a man must spend his money all the time but oh gosh try to impress me in the early part of the relationship a little bit.

Now stupid me still went out with the man because obviously I am a sucker for punishment. My date complained that the bill was $277.00TT at Fridays and did not tip the server. Needless to say first and last dates rolled into one are the best. I love my Trini Men they are so innovative and never cease to amaze me.


  1. hmmmm maybe the young man likes indian women cause the indian women can see that spending 277 at Fridays is actually a waste of money. The ability to give the already rich Friday's owner some of your hard earned money is hardly a sign of being able to provide. Does the young man have a house, does he have good fatherly qualities etc these are the things I feel a young black woman could focus on instead

  2. Anon, if the 37 year old man thought that Fridays was a waste of money then he should not have suggested that we go there. But we Trinis love to pretend to be what we are not. He could have said "hon for 277 we could do so much more. next time i ill show you." instead of complaining like a cheap bastard.

  3. You are clearly a lady after my own heart. A lot of Trini men are cheap and know nothing of chivalry. They are out to see what they can get with the least amount of effort invested.


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